Monday, February 27, 2012


Read: Alma 22:15-16Moroni 10:32-33 
Ponder: What would you need to give up to be closer to Christ?

"The Covenants we make with Heavenly Father 
are performed one on one.  
We do many things in groups in the church - 
the most important things are done individually.  
(Howard W. Hunter)

"Coming unto Christ" 
means walking 
away from 
the world.

"Those who 'shine as lights in the world' have no need to seek the spotlight. The worlds spotlights are not only fleeting, 
but they employ inferior light!"
     --Elder Neal A. Maxwell

More Holiness Give Me  - Music by Michelle Wills
(no captions on this one)
More Holiness Give Me -


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