Thursday, February 23, 2012


Read: 2 Nephi 9
Ponder: Do I accept the Atonement of 
Jesus Christ for my sins?

Jesus' glorious Atonement is
the central act
Jesus in Gethsemane-H. Anderson
in all of human history! It provides the universal resurrection; it makes our personal repentance and forgiveness possible.Since all of us "have sinned and come short of the glory of God," (Rom 3:23) the need for repentance is universal.  

Mark Mabry- Reflections of Christ
Mercifully, Christs Atonement fits sins of all sizes- whether the smaller sins of omission or major transgressions.  Hence, when we turn away from our sins, the required arc of that turning varies from person to person but it is necessary and possible for all.

Mark Mabry - Another Testament collection
Today, forgive yourself 
of past mistakes 
and accept the atonement 
of Jesus Christ in your behalf.

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