Sunday, February 19, 2012

DAY 11

Question:  How do I control my physical passions or addictions?
Read: Matthew 5: 21-48
Ponder:  Can I set a righteous example for others which will help me control my passions better?

Peace comes from fitting 
into God's plan...
Stress comes from trying to 
fit God into our plan!

"Sometimes we will not let Him help us because we do not trust Him.  I learned a valuable lesson about trusting Him from a member of our branch who came to see me as a friend because she was not willing to see me as her Branch President.  Her life was filled with problems, doubt, sin and confusion.  She asked me what she should do.  I suggested that she let the Savior help her make sense of her life.  She resisted "If I let the Savior into my life," she said, "He will tell me all the stuff I am doing wrong.  He will start to make a bunch of demands and insist that I entirely clean up the place.  I don't need that kind of help."  A suggestion came to mind.  I suggested that the next time she felt Him knocking at her door, then open the door of her life to Him but tell Him that He can come in only to the linen closet of her life and He can stay for only ten minutes.  Then He must leave without resistance.  She was aghast at the presumption.  But, with encouragement she resolved to try.  The same woman returned to my office a week later, subdued and peaceful.  She closed the door and sat down.  "I invited Him in and told Him He could stay only for a few minutes," she said.  She paused for a long time.  "I have never known such joy.  He taught me.  He loved me.  He encouraged me.  Why didn't anyone ever tell me that the Savior was like that?"
                              (Joyous Family Life - Goddard)

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