Saturday, February 18, 2012

DAY 12

Read: D&C 78:19
Ponder: What are the things in my life for which I am especially grateful?

Write down 10 things you are grateful for.  Be sure to share some of them in the comments below!


  1. I am grateful for the daffodils, squirrels and cardinals that keep me company early in the morning.

  2. I am grateful for warmer weather, baby giggles, helpful children and projects that get DONE! :)

  3. I am grateful for (borrowing a couple) baby giggles, laughter, music, daffodils and daisies, my children, my sweet husband, my health, my roof's safe shelter overhead, my testimony, the scriptures, living prophets on the earth today, the Atonement. Oops that's more than ten!
