Friday, February 3, 2012

DAY 27

Question:  How can I keep from being discouraged when I fall short of my goals, lose my temper or have negative or judgmental thoughts?
Read:  Moroni 10:32-33
Ponder: Do I believe I can be perfected through Christ?

As we turn from transgression and strive to become more loving, more meek, more patient, and more submissive, the remaining sins, for must of us, are the less visible sins of omission. However, these must also be given away.  Jesus has designated the attributes in that process for which we are to seek, such as faith, virtue, knowledge,temperance, and patience. He further denotes the attributes of faith, hope, and charity, and having an eye single to the glory of God, and tells us that these qualify us for doing the Lord’s work. 
No wonder we are admonished to ask, seek, and knock in order to receive these gifts of the Spirit so that we can be much more effective in doing this grand work of the Lord. In this process of discipleship, we must never forget that the Atonement continues to be absolutely vital 
for all of us! 
Neal A. Maxwell, 
(Testifying of the Great and Glorious Atonement" Ensign Oct 2001)

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