Monday, February 13, 2012

DAY 17

Question: Am I valiant in my testimony of Christ?
Read: D&C 121:29-32, 3 Nephi 6:20
Ponder: Do people know I am a member of the Church or am I embarrassed to share my beliefs with others?

Mary and Martha with Jesus by Del Parson
"We may not be the first generation of sisters to be influenced by the world but we need to be the last. We've just got to the be last.  It is high time for us to arise and have the influence God intended us to have.  It is high time for us to lead the women of the world.  It is high time for us to model the distinctiveness and happiness that set true followers of Jesus Christ apart."                    
 ~Sister Sheri Dew

1 comment:

  1. In my working environment I use to shy away from talking about church events and activities when I was asked what I did on the weekend. I've started to conscientiously mention that I went to church, or my kids went to a Primary activity. It has really created a lot of opportunities to talk about my beliefs and I'm surprised at how inquisitive people. I just needed to "open my mouth"! Lesson learned.
