Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Question: How do I guard against pride?
Read: Proverbs 6:16-21, Proverbs 8:13, Alma 5:27-28, D&C 38:39
Ponder:  Am I being truly honest with others? 
Do I guard against pride?
Do I do the right things for the right reasons?

Jesus Washing Apostles Feet by Del Parson
"To be like Christ! What
an ambitious goal! What a lofty ideal! The Savior had a pleasing personality, He was kind, He was pleasant, He was understanding, He never went off on tangents, He was perfectly balanced.  No eccentricities could be found in His life. He was no ostentation and show, but He was real and humble and genuine.  He made no play for popularity. He made no compromises to gain favor.  He did the right thing always, regardless of how it might appeal to men."
                                                       ~President Spencer W. Kimball

Too often we are willing to give up when, 
if we could only see a bit farther down the road, 
we would be thrilled at what was waiting for us.

"Is it possible to be happy when life is hard?  Can we feel peace amid uncertainty, or hope in the midst of cynicism?  Yes. The answer is an unqualified yes because of Jesus Christ, whose Atonement and Light ensure that we need not bear the burdens or darkness of mortality alone."            
                                                       ~Sister Sheri Dew

Be Thou Humble

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