Saturday, February 25, 2012


Question:Who am I? 
Read: Psalms 82:6, Acts 17:27-28
Ponder: Why does Christ care about me?
In what ways do I see His hand in my life?

"One of the greatest challenges is to overcome the feeling that we are unimportant, that we are not special and unique.  Do you think for a moment that Heavenly Father would have sent one of His children to the earth by accident, with out the possibility of significant work to perform?...My dear friends, you are a royal generation... Not just a few of you, but all of you.  There are things for each of you to do that no one else can do as well as you.  If you do not prepare to do them, they will not be done.  Your mission is unique and distinctive for you.  Please don't make another have to take your place.  He or she can't do it as well as you can.  If you will let Him, I testify that our Heavenly Father will walk with you through the journey of life and inspire you to know your special purpose here."
          ~Bishop H. Burke Peterson
Precious in His sight by Greg Olson

Who are we? We are children of God.  Our potential is unlimited. Our inheritance is sacred. May we always honor that heritage - in every thought and deed.
   ~Elder Russell M. Nelson

Art by Del Parson

Talk to yourself today as the royal daughter of God and sister of Christ that you are.

Walk Tall, You're a Daughter of God (not captioned)
Here's the lyrics 


  1. Who is the artist for the picture of the Lord, with the girls? The art in this post is very powerful.

    1. I am finding art through various searches online. Often I find them on other blogs or websites with no reference to who the artist is. It's wonderful we have technology that allows us to enjoy such amazing and inspiring works of art. Thanks for asking Diana, I will try and be sure to credit the artist where possible.
