Tuesday, February 7, 2012

DAY 23

Question:  How does taking the Sacrament 
bring me closer to Christ?
Read: D&C 20:75-79, 1 John 5:1-6

The Last Supper, by Simon Dewey
Ponder:  Am I thinking of other things or am I focused on the ordinance when the sacrament is served?
Am I truly renewing my covenants with the Lord or just going through the motions?

In speaking of covenants made when he partakes of the sacrament, President David O. McKay stated:  "Who can measure the responsibility of such a covenant?  How far reaching!  How comprehensive!  It excludes from man's life profanity, vulgarity, idleness, enmity, jealousy, drunkenness, dishonesty, hatred, selfishness, and every form of vice.  
It obligates him to sobriety, to industry, to kindness, to performance of every duty in church and state. He binds himself to repect his fellowmen to honor the priesthood, to pay tithes and offering and to consecrate his life to the service of humanity."               (David O. McKay, Millennial Star 85:778)

Read the quote through once more and substitute she and her for he and him.  Now read it again and substitute your own name.


  1. Heather! I have loved doing this! Will you keep this blog open so I can do it again? Thanks so much for sharing! It has been just what I needed!

    1. Thanks so much for your comments, they make my day! I am happy to keep the blog open ;)
