Wednesday, February 8, 2012

DAY 22

Question:  How do I resist the temptations and subtle enticements to stray from the things I know are right?
Read:  Look up the words "strength" & "strengthen" in the Topical Guide and read some of the scriptures referenced there.

"Huldah:  Treasure the Word" by Elsbeth Young 
"Being steadfast and immovable on the Lord's side of the line is the only strategy that works long-term against Lucifer.  If the adversary can't get us to succumb to blatant evil, he tries to wear us down, weaken our resolve, and dim our memory of who we are.  He promotes the Sin Now, Pay Later Plan.  He feeds our vanity with promises of popularity and power.  He tells us that life is supposed to be easy and that if we experience undeserved pain, the gospel must not be true.  He always promises shortcuts, though there are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.  But he cannot duplicate joy or peace.  That is why there is such safety on the Lord's side of the line, where the power of the priesthood and Holy Ghost protect us!"  (Sister Sheri Dew)

In the Shadow of Your Wings by Daniel Gerhartz 
Prayerfully ask the Lord to help you overcome the things that are stumbling blocks in your life.  Be open to receive His answers and His miracles.

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