Sunday, February 5, 2012

DAY 25

Question:  Am I stronger than I was on Day 1?
Has my faith increased? In what ways?
Read Alma 5:14
Write the answers in your journal.

"I challenge you to rise to the stature of the divine within you.  As you have been reminded, yours is a godly inheritance.  'I am a child of God' is not and idle or meaningless statement.  You were there "when the morning starts sang together and all the sons (and daughters) of God shouted for joy." (Job 38:7)
You brought some of that inheritance with you when you came "trailing clouds of glory....from God who is our home."  You were among those who chose to follow the plan of Him who became our redeemer rather than the plan of him who became our adversary.  Great and marvelous is your place in the plan of God our Eternal Father.     
~Gordon B. Hinckley ("Rise to the Stature of the Divine within You"  Ensign Nov 1989)

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