Thursday, February 9, 2012

DAY 21

Question:  Do I spend as much time learning about the Savior and the Gospel as I do reading other books and watching TV?
Read:  Rom 10:14, 2 Peter 1:3-9, D&C 131:6
Ponder:  What books about the Savior could I read this year to increase my knowledge?
Suggestions include Jesus the  Christ and The Mortal Messiah.  There are countless other books written by our prophets and apostles that teach the Gospel and testify of Him.  Find one that interests you so you will have a desire to read it and it wont just be a duty.  Have one you have read that you really loved? Please share it with us in the comments below.

Before Sunday this week, read the Sunday School lesson and your Relief Society lesson.

After church on Sunday write in your journal what you experienced in your classes by having read the lessons beforehand.


  1. Does Primary count? :) I will read the lesson, I try to remember to do that each week but I often forget.

    1. Primary lessons are awesome! I loved being in primary and the constant reminders of how simple and joyful the gospel is... you definitely get credit for reading the primary lesson ;)

  2. One of my very favorite books (and favorite author) Days of the Living Christ by Cleon Skousen. He writes in a way that brings everything to life and paints a clear picture (to me) of our Savior.

    Also Divine Signatures: The confirming Hand of God by Gerald Lund. Really opened my eyes to how the Lord knows ME and helps me daily!

    1. Days of the Living Christ is one of my favorites too! I love Skousens works. I am going to have to get my hands on Divine Signatures.. thanks for the recommendations Bekki!
